The Fourth Dimension

Sabir Molla
2 min readMay 2, 2023


"Time is an illusion." --- Einstein.

I wonder why Einstein said that. An illusion is something beyond sensory organs. It plays tricks. In that sense, time does play tricks.
There is a clock in front of me. Second goes by. 1,2,3,4 and goes on till it hits 60. It starts all over again from 1. Again 1,2,3,4,5... And goes on. It seems like a loop, going in a circle. Always.
When I look at minute, the past reveals. First it was 1. Now it is 2. When minute seems like a loop, hour shows the past. When hour seems loop, day shows the past. There is always something which reveals the past. Time is unstoppable even though it seems like a loop or it is an illusion. This one second, this precious one little second is never going to come back unless humans manage to invent time machine which may defy law of inevitability. A plot for science fiction, so far.
With time, this body that I am been gifted by my parents will decay. My tooth will decay. My hair will turn white (I have already seen a few on my temple). My skin will be have wrinkles. Then the end will emerge. Inevitable. Out of the blue.
What about soul? This sense of conscience? The feeling of being alive? The process of decaying body is visible to senses. Humans are used to seeing and perceiving the complete parish of flesh and body in front of them. Putrid flesh of animal, thrown near street, is visible and smelt. The process of decaying is slow and gives a sense of acceptance.
The destruction of conscience is so rapid that we are quite disturbed by it. A sudden change takes time to make its presence be acceptable to others. A person talking, sitting, alive, all of a sudden he is gone. Gone forever. The existence of his conscience, which was born alongwith his body, which stayed through his life even in sleep, is gone. Gone where? Nobody really knows. Only assumptions. All of him left now is in a body with no soul, no conscience. A vehicle with no one to drive. Which one is more important? Vehicle or driver? Every driver is assigned to a perticular vehicle. No one can switch vehicle, I guess. Yet, humans are busy preening, adorning their vehicles. Their filthy body of flesh and bones. Hardly do we care for the driver.

